We support a variety of capacity building initiatives to build the health systems of resource-limited communities.

We deliver trainings for community health workers and provide counseling to vulnerable communities regarding nutrition, hygiene promotion, reproductive health and more. We also support promising young community members pursue health careers with our Health Systems Strengthening Paramedic Training Program and Developing Midwives Project. FIVDB’s holistic strategy integrates health information into its education and community empowerment projects – because everybody deserves to know how to stay healthy.

FIVDB also provides health services within its working areas, including mobile health posts and sanitary latrine construction. Our projects have provided free gynecological, general and eye medicine to 10,000 people in 2018 alone, and facilitate immunization and birth registration for new mothers and their children.

FIVDB focuses on mental health as a key aspect of wellbeing. In Cox’s Bazar, FIVDB’s Rohingya support program relies on a cadre of community facilitators who, besides delivering fuel and agriculture support, serve as lay mental health-workers in a community bearing decades of oppression and trauma. These community facilitators are our beneficiaries’ gateway to the health system, providing psychological first aid and basic counseling and referring individuals to a vast network of resources related to their wellbeing. Read more in our “Spotlight” section below.